Temptation is real. It is strong and it is especially sneaky.

Soap Box….. I’m on it.

Am I going to offend anyone by this post today, I’m sure I will. I’m going to start by saying this.

My 14-year-old (almost 15 but not yet) has been dating a boy for 6 months-ish. He is 15, almost 16.

This is her first relationship and first boyfriend. From the beginning of their relationship, they were not left alone. We wanted him to know that she is a part of a family. Not just blood family, but a family of friends also. She is not just another girl that is available to date. She is a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, cousin, niece and friend to many people and she is loved beyond measure. Yes, we started this from the very very beginning. Introducing him to all the people who have her back and care about her happiness. Do I mean he can never break up with her and he will never break her heart? No, I can’t tell the future. But, if this does happen, hopefully it would be done with thoughtfulness and compassion.

We have been very lucky to have him as her first boyfriend. He is extremely respectful to me, her dad and her brother Judd. Calls me Mrs. Bolen…….drives everyone but me crazy, lol. So far, he is not afraid to talk to Jon or me about different things and to have open conversations. When it is time to take him home at night, I usually do not let Ellie ride with. Reason being is so it gives us a chance to talk and ask any questions I might have. She also respects and enjoys spending time with his family. They also know our expectations as it was talked about before they started hanging out at each other’s homes.

Ellie has asked a few times why I do not allow them to go in her room together, alone. Does that mean I do not trust them? Friends her age are allowed in the basement and their bedrooms alone with their boyfriends. Why not her?

I made sure she knows I had the same set of rules when I was growing up. Plain and simple, it is about respect. If I am going to allow them to be alone in a room, behind closed doors, then I must be OK with whatever the outcome may be of their “alone” time. And guess what, I’m not ok with that.

We definitely do have faith and we definitely do trust her, but we also are not naive to think that temptation will not sneak up.

Temptation is real. It is strong and it is especially sneaky.

Matthew 26:41 – “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” We must be on our guard against temptation, realizing that sometimes we will be able to see it coming, but other times it may surprise us. Thats why we must always be watchful.