What i personally mean by simplicity is this, not needing to go above and beyond in every scenario of our lives. Our kids do NOT need to be busy every minute of every day.

Here Is what I Mean –

Clothing – I like to keep things fairly simple. My kids do NOT need name brand clothes. They have been taught to always go to the sale rack first. Does this mean I only shop at secondhand stores……no. TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Ross…….yes those are my very good friends!! Cavender’s and Boot Barn, welllll now I will admit that my 14-year-old and I LOVE those stores and the sale rack just may not apply there. 🙂

Sports – I am happy when I see my child trying their best, performing the way they were taught and having respect for every single person on the field. Especially the adults. Jon and I do not tolerate any disrespect towards other players, coaches or umpires. It’s ok to get frustrated and disagree….its also ok to let it all out when we get in the car on the drive home. It is NOT ok to let it out on the field or in the dugout. Am I judging anyone whose kid does? Nope. I do not know their story and it is not my story to judge. Plain and simple.

Friends – Jon and I will do everything in our power to help our kids choose good friends. When you have amazing friends yourself, your children see that, and want the same relationship for themselves. We have always taught our kiddos that there is such a thing as their “Home Team”. You can have 100 acquaintances, 50 friends, but you will have 3-4 people who are your “Home Team”. Your go to people. Your people. When things get dirty, you can always count on them to be there and that they will have your very best interest at heart. You may not always like what they have to say, but you know it’s always in your best interest to listen. It’s that simple.

Faith – We are growing in our faith every single day. I will be the first to admit that we have let our faith go by the wayside a bit. Yes of course we are Christians and will always be. I also believe there is a difference between simply believing, and actively believing. Actively living and breathing by our Lords words, has definitely become something that is not “popular”. Yet it is something we are taking back control of. I LOVE me some audiobooks. I spend A LOT of time in my car, and Joyce Meyer has turned my car into my very own church on wheels. Believe me, i will be talking about her a lot throughout my posts! Keep it simple – Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Keep It Simple, Keep it Real – Beth

One Response

  1. Wonderful words that you have written. They speak what you believe and the words come your heart. Your words are truth.Good job Beth. I knew you could journal! Such a wonderful feeling when you can look back to read later.so proud of you.