
So, when I say Old School…..I know what I mean, but do you know what I mean ?

I think everyone has their own idea of what that is. This is what it means in this brain:

  1. Simplicity
  2. Manners
  3. Generosity
  4. Slowing Down
  5. Being bored
  6. Opening Doors for others
  7. Children Talking to adults. Like actually holding a conversation. Looking them in the eye.
  8. More work, less screen time
  9. More outside fun, less screen time
  10. Family nights
  11. Church. Whether that is in a building or listening to Joyce Meyer in your car on audiobook. (like me)
  12. Parents having each others backs
  13. Disciplining your children (and all children that walk through your front door)
  14. NOT yelling at referees and umps constantly. How embarrassing! (travel ball family here)
  15. CHORES. and not the chores they get paid to do.
  16. Taking care of your family. Immediate and extended.

What does old school mean to you? ?

My better 1/2 and my precious Grandpa.