My Name is Beth. I have been married to my other half for 15 years. I have a 14-year-old daughter and a 11-year-old son. I am anxious and ready to begin putting the 483348902 thoughts that go through my head every day, on paper. Or computer. I have been a daughter for 40 years, a sister for 40 years, a wife for 15 years, a business owner for 15 years, a Hair stylist for 16 years and a mom for 15 years. Whew, there ya go. All the roles i play in my life. Everyday. All day. Wouldn’t change it for the world, or would I?

I have been told many many times that i should have been born 100 years ago. Most of the time, i would agree with that. I am 100% an Empathist. I feel, hear, see every emotion of anyone i talk to. It can be exhausting. I love to give…….although in this world that can be confusing for most people.

I have spent the last 6ish years of my life digging deep into my soul. Figuring out what makes me tick. What i need to do, have to do, to keep my sanity in a very fast paced world. How to make it all balance out, while still being a great wife and mom. The last 6 months i have also been digging into my faith and relearning how important it is to put God 1st in everything I do.