The end of quarter is usually quite chaotic when everyone panics to find out what and when all the things need to be turned in. In a perfect world, everything from my 11-year-old pre-teen boy would be turned in right on time, never late and never forgotten. Welllllll we do not live in a perfect world in this household. This time it turned into Judd reading a lengthy book, all in one evening. Short 1.2 AR points may seem like not a big deal, but it is. Having 2 kids who struggle with comprehension, reading has not come to them as a “fun” thing to do when they have extra time.

My children would rather spend that time watching their favorite show, baking a cake, practicing baseball/softball, taking a nap, being outside (except for the 6″ of snow on the ground).

If I could do it all over again, I would push the reading a little more at a younger age. Now, that does not mean making them sit in their room reading a book. It means letting them be wherever makes them happy……the pig barn, sitting on a round bale outside…..but i definitely would make it more of a priority. I have also downloaded the audiobook many times so they can listen along while they read. This has definitely helped. Amazon Audiobooks has a wide variety of books for the kids to be able to listen to! I myself listen to approximately 3-4 audiobooks a month in my car, when I’m driving all over ten buck two.

If you have a child who loves to read, I’m a little jealous.

When you find a teacher that really connects with your child, and has open communication with you, its a game changer. I will get her as many Rosies coffee GC as i can, just as a small token of appreciation for everything she does. Going above and beyond to always communicate with me about my child, is like finding a needle in a haystack. She has been a blessing in Judds life, someone he respects and values her opinion. He listens to her, and she listens to him. I believe from talking to other moms, that this is not just the case for Judd alone. She does this for many students and parents, and i hope she knows just how much that means to us. Ms.Martin, Thank You.

If you have a child that struggles with school, who has to work extra hard for that B grade, find that person for them that they connect to. Don’t just find them, let them know how important they are to that student. Make sure they know how much they are appreciated. We are quick to let them know their faults; we need to be just as good at letting them know their value also.

Keep it real. Keep it simple.


One Response

  1. Ms Martin has been a God Scent to say the least. She has personally called me about Synthia’s work in class. I really wish Synthia’s other teachers were like her. It would make us parents lives so much easier and less stressful. Synthia loves making bake goods for Ms Martin and her class because she loves her that much. Thank you Ms Martin, you are one of a kind.