End of Quarter Chaos, what’s missing and what’s not……

The end of quarter is usually quite chaotic when everyone panics to find out what and when all the things need to be turned in. In a perfect world, everything from my 11-year-old pre-teen boy would be turned in right on time, never late and never forgotten. Welllllll we do not live in a perfect […]

Gorgeous Sunday Morning, Piggy Sounds and Smells In the Air

When we woke up this beautiful Sunday morning in northern Illinois, the SUN was shining and there was no wind to be found. On our 3 acres of heaven, this almost never happens. We headed down to the pig barn to start the process of getting ready for the kids 4-H pigs. Ellie started showing […]


What i personally mean by simplicity is this, not needing to go above and beyond in every scenario of our lives. Our kids do NOT need to be busy every minute of every day. Here Is what I Mean – Clothing – I like to keep things fairly simple. My kids do NOT need name […]

Here’s the Deal…..this is Who I Am!

My Name is Beth. I have been married to my other half for 15 years. I have a 14-year-old daughter and a 11-year-old son. I am anxious and ready to begin putting the 483348902 thoughts that go through my head every day, on paper. Or computer. I have been a daughter for 40 years, a […]

Ready to go old school??

Ok. So, when I say Old School…..I know what I mean, but do you know what I mean ? I think everyone has their own idea of what that is. This is what it means in this brain: What does old school mean to you? ?

Hello world!

Thank you so much for clicking on my link and letting me into your world!! I cannot wait to share stories and hear yours as well!